John Simpson

NB Housing Board, staff and tenants are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of their founding board members, John Simpson.
Headshot of John Simpson
NB Housing Board, staff and tenants are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of one of their founding board members, John Simpson. John was sourced to assist in delivering the merger of two housing associations in 2014, when he successfully used all his skills and talents to form NB Housing. At that time he became a board member and has remained on the board since then until last month when he reached 9 years membership, the maximum term. For many years John was the chair of the board and also sat on both the Finance and Audit Subcommittees. He was very passionate about the work of the association and this was shown through his commitment and dedication. John brought a wealth of experience to the board table, he used this vast knowledge to lead the association, guide discussion, set objectives and oversee its governance.

Not only did John show professionalism to his role he also was very kind and witty, a magnetic and warm quality.We wish to express our condolences to John’s family.